Apr 2013

Gary Graham and The Poor Boys

Gary Graham and the Poor Boys launch their legendary music career at “Whiskey a Go Go” in late 1964

Gary has been a continuous friend of mine since 1963. As Gary would say, “Even if you say that fast, it is still a long time.” Yes, that rounds out to 50 years. The Spartans started out in Gary’s Family nightclub (The Casablanca) at Lake of the Ozarks Missouri. We got our feet wet in that club and developed what we began to think was a band worthy of taking to California and giving it a chance. Remember, this was about a year before the Beatles landed and took over the music charts in America.

Gary Graham and Bob Nigg went on after the Spartans and created a wonderful Show Band called The Poor Boys. If you had an opportunity to see them in one of their many shows in San Francisco at the Off Broadway, or headlining in Las Vegas or at PJ’s in Los Angeles you will surly know what I am referring to.

Gary and I talked last night for a couple of hours and to my delight he is sending me a box of material for the website. I have a feeling; knowing how much stuff Gary has, it’s just the beginning of his contributions.

Gary and I have never drifted apart and spend lots of time on the phone. He now lives in semi-retirement in Sedalia Missouri. Gary has a most fascinating story to his life but one standout has been his love of horses and raising them. These days he raises miniature horses. I suppose that is part of scaling down for retirement.

Watch for some exciting memorabilia from Gary as he and Poor Boys played for many years and toured all over the world. EC

Message from Art Guy!


Smokestack Lightnin’

Just received an email from Art Guy who we had the pleasure of working with as the Minutemen Drummer. Art joined us just before we landed the gig at
Pandora’s Box on the Hollywood Strip in late 1964. We went on from there to do two full Summers at JJ’s Club in Santa Maria California. Once the Minutemen ended (The Army) Art went on to become the drummer for Smokestack Lightnin’. He sent me some very interesting material and I will be posting it this evening. Here is a photo of Art with the Smokestack Lingtnin’ in 1968. EC

The Poor Boys

poorboys small
In 1965 the original Spartans disbanded for a period. When later two bands were started. The Minutemen with Ed and Gary Craig while Gary Graham and Bob Nigg started a group called the Poor Boys.

The Poor Boys were an amazing show band. Their music was clean, sharp and exciting. While they were together they traveled the country playing major nightclubs and show venues. One of the highlights of their existence was a long and difficult entertainment tour of Vietnam. Hopefully we will have the opportunity to feature the history of this wonderful band and there amazing show business history.

Some of their music can be found on the Internet with a Google Search. EC

The Vietnam Era

I added a new section to the website this evening. Normally I would not include anything like this but it was such an intrigue part of both Gary and my lives. We served in Vietnam together until he was killed. They say a person should leave this world doing the thing they love most and that is how Gary left; playing guitar and singing with Jim. (Jim if you are out there and somehow find this website, drop me a line or give me a call.)

There will be more added to the new section once I get the photos straightened out and the copy ready. Thanks to everyone who had seen the website and contacted me to say how much they like it. I am sure one day soon it will not be a website a person can manover through very quickly. “It looks to be a very thick book.” By the way… it is being created with RapidWeaver using the seydesign CRE4MY template. — Great software. EC

Thanks Bob for More Material

Thanks to Bob Nigg for a great article from the Waynesville newspaper reporting on the Spartans returning home to promote their new record. It is things like this I am looking for to help add to the stories that will follow. I reviewed some of the website today and found several spelling and grammar errors. I will be fixing those tonight. I welcome anyone sending me a message about errors of any type that are found on the website. OK… so far it is two days in a row for the blog so who knows; this might happen. EC

On-Going Blog

I will try to keep this up-to-date as often as possible. The Blog will be a running dialog of my efforts to create this “most interesting” project. I don’t know how many years are left on my calendar, all us guys are getting up in age but there is plenty of time to leave a full and truthful history of a bunch of talented guys (who actually allowed me to come along) that make dreams come true. There are close to two dozen people who were affected by the trip Gary Graham, Gary Craig, Ed Craig, Bob Nigg and Scotty Stryker make to California in the Winter of 1964 in a three car caravan.

You might be one of them so start looking for those old boxes of memories and get started writing where your life headed after 1966 and on until today.

This is the first posting but watch for more. I will try to bring things up-to-date until where we are today with the website. —EC

NOTE: All errors in Spelling and Grammar are left in my writings for the entertainment of my readers…. so enjoy!